The sequel to the successful Assassins Creed.

User Rating: 9.5 | Assassin's Creed II X360
The whole story of Assassins Creed takes elements from historical fiction. The series has been made from the ground up by some wonderfully skilled minds within the gaming industry and it all shows in Assassins Creed 2.

The animations, world and environmental detail and artwork are beautifully crafted and the game engine is also stunningly impressive, in fact, there have been some significant improvements through out the whole development of Assassins Creed 2. Many people were left there wondering what happened at the end of Assassins Creed 1, it left people hanging in bewilderment and a lot of loose ends to tie up. Assassins Creed 2 picks up exactly were Assassins Creed 1 left off, with the kidnapped bartender Desmond locked in a cell in Abstergo, a twisted corporation which is the future version of the Templars and they need to get in side Desmond's head (recollect memories) to get hold of his thoughts and visions.

This type of technology allows Desmond to relive the lives of his ancestors and his family line puts him right in the middle of a war between the Templars and the Assassins.

Right from the offset you are in the middle of a jailbreak and Desmond is introduced to the Assassins at their hideout. They have access to the same technological equipment here that we had in the first game, once again Desmond goes on a trip down memory lane to relive past escapades.

In Assassins Creed 1 you will remember that Desmond was 'forced' to relive memories and share them with the future Templars but in Assassins Creed 2 he is in the 15th century, in Italy by his own choosing to learn the ways and skills of the Assassins through the life of Ezio Auditurre de Firenze.

I guess I can say that the story is somewhat confusing, as the first was, you are just best going with the flow and enjoying the whole experience rather than trying to analyze it all as I did. You are the character Ezio at the very moment he was born which is a rather neat way for a little tutorial on movement. Ezio's life is shown to us in stages or chapters, from his years as a ladies man, a boxer, street fighter and the son of a wealthy banker.

The free running system works perfectly as it allows the player to climb over almost every building or object in the game. The movement speed in Assassins Creed 2 is significantly faster and you are able to reach you destination(s) much faster than before. With a game based so strongly on motion and movement it is important to keep the animation quality as high and smooth enough to look realistic and the developers have really achieved that in Assassins Creed 2.

As well as the new combat and weapons, there is also a currency in the game which adds another layer to the overall experience. As you complete certain quests or pickpocket people you get rewarded by receiving cash - and you will need it. Ezio will get injured, and when he does, those wounds will fester and need to be treated. You can buy remedies, armor, weapons and even upgrade your home - a beautiful little villa on the countryside. Inside the villa you have access to all your collectibles and secret items. This game will keep you busy outside the actual missions.

This game turns what was a very interesting but slightly boring first game into a fully fledged action game with so much variety.

Plenty variety on offer, enough to keep the most easily bored people entertained.

Nearly faultless for both HD consoles, however I long to see the PC version running on high end hardware.

SOUND - 9.8
The music is absolutely stunning! Beautiful soundtrack, a fantastic score.

VALUE - 9.0
Long single player campaign and plenty side missions.

The best game I played in 2009. (besides Batman Arkham Asylum ;)