Dont listen to DRM moaners they prob leaches. This is a Masterpiece of a game.
1st of all let me tell you don't listen to all the crap about the DRM Ubisoft implemented, it might been a bit over the top at release but its no problem now, at least i didn't have a single issue with it so far, and tbh the amount of unscrupulous people out there stealing digital products, i dont really blame Ubisoft for trying to protect their products. People stamp their pictures on Facebook, and their toilet brakes on twits so don't really see the problem with registering with a games company.
Now to the important stuff, the game, well IMO its nothing short of a masterpiece, everything is exceptional, the action, the controls (i use xbox360 controller), the story sucks you in into the action, the side quests, pretty much about everything surpasses the original.
One of the most amazing things, is the amount of detail in the Renaissance Italy cities, its really amazing, a big chunk of my game time was just walking around, climbing buildings and appreciating the amazing monuments. this is the closest you will ever get in time traveling, they really did an exceptional job in recreating those amazing urban centers from 500 years ago.
The guys who did this game really pored their love and souls into this game, and that is worth more then any company strategy behind, it, their work alone is worth the purchase of the game.
outstanding, i really cant praise it enough or make it justice, please go and buy this game if you never played it.