This is my least favorite Assassins Creed game in the series and this is why please read.
-Probably the best voice acting of any video game out there.
-They did a great job capturing the American revolution time period.
-Great fighting and combo animations.
-Playing as Desmond is a nice change of pace you get to know more about his life and his relationship with his father.
-The CGi cut scenes where done really well.
-The ability to clime and run through trees is pretty cool.
-The naval battles are really fun and my favorite part of the game.
-The amount of bugs and glitches its just annoying.
-Frame rate drops a lot you go from these nice graphics to suddenly Original Xbox graphics.
-Most of the side missions are point less and you feel unrewarded if you finish them.
-The controls sometimes do not respond during a fight or when your trying to clime a wall.
-The voice sync with the animation was way off during some dialog scenes.
-The new weapon system is so annoying to use and its just not that user friendly.
-The lack of weapons in the game and buying weapons its just waste of time, I bought 1 dagger through the whole game and that is all i needed.
-Hunting is just a waste of time, its fun for about 10 minutes then it becomes boring.
-The lock picking is the most POINTLESS!!!! feature in the game its so confusing and all you get is tiered thumbs from rotating the joysticks over and over.
-Most missions in the game are so repetitive, Example all you really do is ears drop on people then you might have a chase scene then fight a couple of enemies that's about it.
-In my opinion Connor is a uninteresting character, He is missing the charm that Ezio had.
-Finally the main story was boring and it had really lame ending which made you say "Really thats it?"
Multiplayer -
Its fun not much to say about it either you like it or hate it, the only issue i have with the online content is the menu is so crowded with useless features.
My final thoughts on the game is it felt like it did not belong in the Assassins Creed series, it felt more like its own game. It is the worst one in my opinion and its a game you could wait for to get when the price drops.