What a let down
Boy was I let down. Combat was changed slightly, but enough to frustrate me. The old combat system was fine, I felt, so why change it?
Also, free running through the trees and over rocks, etc was a bit of fun, but the animal interactions felt like they could have factored more into the game. Also, getting to the top of identical looking trees as viewpoints again and again was sad to me. Other than palm trees, really no two trees in the real world look alike. I think they could have spent some more time here. If you're going to do it, Ubisoft, do it right. Plus, the first time I tried to get to a top of a tree I fell at least 5 times. I suppose there should be a learning curve, but not for someone who spent 40-60 hours on each previous AC title.
Everything just felt as though it could have benefited from another year in production. I was sad at the unrealized potential in AC3.