This game has me a bit torn the last AC was for me a bugged out mess with some parts of the game not even in the game yet. This one so far has been very smooth with barely any bugs except for a few minor one's but nothing game breaking. The story is great, the gameplay is fun and you can notice your progress here.
On the other hand this is hands down the most repetitive game of them all that I have played the amount of grinding you need to do to fully upgrade your ship is actually quite big. The game wants you to go out and plunder ship, preferably by boarding them to gain the most you will then be given everything from 5-100 of different materials 3 which are used for making your ship better and the other 2 to make some money. What you get from the ships on the other hand is a bit random with some ships having a higher % of giving certain materials. I found the naval battle's fun atleast at first but when my game time to grind for upgrades have basically devided my game time 60% sea battles/faring and 40% everything else I dont really know so far I've spent in game around 30+ hours on my xbox 360.
This is also the first AC game where instead of almost only adding new features they have removed a fair amount, while I can agree the assassin's recruits could be used to make certain points of the game to easy it feels weird just scrap the whole concept and just state that they make the game to easy so we removed them. In AC 3 you could only use them in about 30-40% of the game anyway and for me atleast the AC 3 look on the game mechanic was nice.
Seeing as all the other reviews has taken up all the good things about the game I thought it was better to list why I did'nt think it should get higher then a 7.