Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag.
Assassins Creed IV Black flag is and Action Adventure game published by ubisoft, and set in the golden era of piracy in the Caribbean, you play as Edward Kenway, a sailor, turned pirate then turned assassin, whose main goal is to become rich enough to have all he wants and live as a king, although he does learn that not everything that shines is gold, and that there are things far bigger than wealth, the game mixes the series popular parkour formula with naval combat, and creates an engaging experience by letting you set sail and pillage and loot at will, the second main character is the Jackdaw, Edward's ship, which you can upgrade and get to play for a fair amount of the adventure.
The game starts kind of slow with a couple missions in La Habana where you learn the ins and outs of the on foot gameplay, after a something near two hours you set sail and start exploring the map whoever you want, the map aside from the main missions has a lot of of side missions and distractions like fishing big sharks and whales, hunting, crafting gear, assassination missions naval contracts, getting collectibles, recruiting members for your crew and searching for treasures.
The gameplay is a little more polished in the parkour and naval ares, but the combat still feels a bit clunky and repetitive, since you only have like five different types of enemies (aside from boats and ships) if you have played other games of the series you know what to expect, but if you haven't then the combat is similar to the batman arkham series, where you are sorrounded by enemies and they take turns to attack you and you do attack sequences or counters, sometimers it works fine to create some cinematic combat, but it lacks in closed areas.
The biggest addition as stated before is the jackdaw, a frigate that you can upgrade through the game, which lets you tackle the ocean like never before, and allows for some spectacualr combat on the ocean against small ships, frigates and manowars, with different capabilities.
The main story starts interesting then becomes a little boring through the middle act and finally picks up and ends on a high note on the third act, most of the characters are likable with distinct voice acting and well crafted,making some of the finest and most memorable of the series, the music is superb and the enviromental effects are pretty impressive, the weakest point of the game comes in the graphics which are really lacking on the xbox one, I guess this is the effect for it being cross generational
The game also adds the well known multiplayer of the franchise with it being, almost the same as last iteration, the hunter-prey mechanic is as fun as usual or as frustrating, depending on your opinion of the game, it adds more customization options, and small variants on game modes that existed previously.
In all, Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag is a big package, that will engage you in the best pirate game since Sid Meier's Pirates! adding an impressive cast of characters and interesting gameplay features for the franchise which makes it one of the best of the series.