" It's about pirates! " - Pablo Rodriguez
"10/10" : MethHead Guy Down The Street.
Assassin's Creed IV is the definition of the butt-hole for all of it's predecessors. The boat gameplay was a real disappointment although I cant blame Ubisoft for not managing to make sailing across two kilometer a fun experience during the pirate age.
It's literally just you watching a boat sail for ten minutes with a couple of small boats appearing for you to destroy which becomes really boring after the first five. Then a big boat appears and it becomes boring the moment you realize it's not worth the trouble and time.
In the first assassin's creed game Ezio takes on a learning experience to become a full fledged assassin, whereas Edward learns to be an assassin by the power of magic.
After four or five games Ubisoft still hasn't leaner that no one like to get of the animus, it's pointless and no one likes to do it. We just wan't to be a badass assassin and not some guy pretending to be said badass assassin.
The better aspects of the game where those not involving a boat, which the game for some reason seems to revolve around, again for whatever reason. The game play remains unaltered from the previous Assassin's creed III which wasn't the best one as well. Let's face it Ubisoft was going in the right direction with Ezio and decided to get cocky and managed to **** up two game in a row.
If the game were to be centered around one or two major cities rather than a couple of small ones it would feel much more alive and intuitive. Again like the ones that had Ezio or Altair in them.4
The previously mentioned characters had much more development and felt mature a rightly guided when making crucial decisions unlike there successors where one is a kid who doesn't know whats the hell he's doing and a pirate who has the magical ability to learn the skills of a person thorough his or her clothing.
It's about boats. So if you're into that kind of game get. In any way you can without paying much.