I have been a huge fan of the saga since the first game, I highly enjoyed pretty much all of the titles (of course some do a better job than others in specific aspects) but things changed drastically for me with Valhala.
Not only it's a very long and boring story completely detached of any AC plot (ancient or modern for that matter), it was one of the AC games that got more content for longer, which still bugs me to this day how could they've squeezed it so hard for so long..
It's worth mentioning that one of the main reasons for me to feel this way was that they decided to butcher the ongoing modern day plot by resolving it in a COMIC BOOK (!?) hence introducing this Basim / Loki character to play the main antagonist...
Now we have a game where we are suppose to have a backstory of this unlikable new villain that we are suppose to care? For the record this is not a game, this is what was originally set out to be, an AC Valhala DLC.
It's basically a marketing stunt to get the old timers like myself enjoying a game with some original elements (stealth, notoriety, the brotherhood) however it does this in such a superficial way that I really didn't care at all for anyone in this game.
As you would expect the landscapes and the exploration is top notch, you are transported back in time to 800s Baghdad which is of course always a treat to be able to see these world locations in their past, one of the main reasons that got me into AC in the first place, but that's about it...
Characters are boring and irrelevant, the protagonist is voided of any personality with a fake sense of duty that no one knows where it comes from, the parkour and fighting gameplay is sticky and not smooth at all, the plot is a copy paste from the original AC game, as much as I liked the set we already had a similar AC game in an approximate age and geography so might've been a better idea to just do a remake!
I am eager for the titles to come specially Code Red since it has been a long request from fans, an AC in Feudal Japan, but this was probably the most unnecessary and irrelevant game in all AC franchise and worst of all we are left with this Basim / Loki character for the foreseeable future which is terrible.... Really hoping Code Red does a good job of revamping this beloved franchise.
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