Game: Assassin's Creed Revelations
Genre: Action
Developer: Ubisoft
System: Steam (PC)
Total Score: 85/100
Value Score: 8.5/10
• Story: 9/10
• Characters: 10/10
• GamePlay: 9/10
• Graphics: 9/10
• Sound: 9/10
• Music: 9/10
• Length: 5/10
• Replay Value: 6/10
• Player Value: 9/10
+Retains similar gameplay to AC2 and ACB however adds new elements to the gameplay and features to the overall world such as the hookblade and the parachute.
+All of the Assassin/recruiting guild features and Multiplayer features are back
+Ability to create bombs and use bombs brings forth new ways to play the game
+Everything from AC2 and AC Brotherhood in terms of town upgrades and renovations are back
+A Portal style platformer mini game labeled as "The Lost Archive" is available
+The menu/item/weapon scroll wheel interface is improved and now is controllable with two analog sticks which makes navigating much more simple than previous games.
+Inclusion of Heavy weapons increases the amount of variety of weapons you can use in the game compared to previous games.
+Great OST
-Unable to re-do missions or sequences
-Some sound effects go missing during some cutscenes (this may be a Uplay issue)
-The game is more buggy than previous games and it is more common to come against floor glitches, etc
-Some stuttering and lag occurs in the cutscenes (this may be a Uplay issue)
-The game is shorter than the previously shorter than expected AC Brotherhood
-The game feels a bit rushed when it comes to the storyline compared to previous AC games and feels like it should of been an extension to AC Brotherhood.
-Recruitment of Assassins to the Assassin guild is more tedious than in Brotherhood