- Kill moves
- Fantastic protagonist *
- Weight to the story (and easy to get into)
- Climbing / free-running
- Wraps a nice bow on the trilogy
- Altair flashbacks
- Best outfits of the trilogy
- Underground city
- Ezio and Altair
- Graphics significantly improved
- Desmond stuff actually ties in really well
- Slow combat cam isn’t very smooth (Cool idea, execution could have been better)
- Buggy
- Takes a long time for the story to get rolling
- No pay off for collecting all the memory fragments (Found the Desmond chronicles or whatever they were called to be a snoozefest, and in some ways contradictory to what I had believed about Desmond's background)
- Story ********* 9/10
- Gameplay ********* 9/10
- Atmosphere ********* 9/10
- Overall ********* 9/10
- Story (characters, narrative, depth, pace, role playing)
- Gameplay (mechanics, fun factor, customization, level design)
- Atmosphere (graphics, environment, mood)