Review overviewing the game how it is what i think of it and how it is as a whole. Try this game it is worth a 10. :D
User Rating: 10 | Assassin's Creed: Revelations X360
This game is amazing it helps you understand the story more and unfold the truths from the last games that were made. You explore 2 assassins and there one goal this game sums through both there same goals in one. The game play is even better than the last game and this game with its franchise has changed gaming over the years since 2007. The story is great the game play is fantastic what elts is there to say besides telling you to go play the game yourself so you can also see its greatness. Please try this game it is worth a 10 because of how it is in all. Even though the game play is similar to the game play when the first game came out it still has added on features which enhance its performance keeping the old school handling not taking away the old game play and ruining the game. This game will be in the hearts and minds of many gamers and hope ubi continues its amazing franchise.