This game has been rid of almost all bugs. It is quite amazing to say the least. Lets go into some detail
Graphics: 9.9/10
The graphics of this game is by far one of the best I've seen for any game. France feels alive to me making every moment of the game feel very realistic.Running around the beautiful palace as a child is just unbelievable and makes me feel as though I am actually there. I could only imagine how cool it'd be if this game were to have a first person view. The only points for improvement with graphics is when the graphics are a little slow to update when running in a large crowd. This only happens about 5% of the time so it is not unbearable. Other than that, you will be stunned by the beauty of this game.
Gameplay: 7.5/10
This game has a few new controls to it compared to previous Assassin's Creed games. Such as the new "Press LT" to go through window; or using RT A for climbing and RT B for falling. Although I feel it is good they have created varying controls, they do not seem to work as expected. This can make it extremely annoying when trying to go through a window but your guy is just jumping around the window without actually going in. Parkour in the game in general could really use some improvement. It is not as user friendly as the previous games but it is a good idea that I think can make the next game great.
Sound: 9/10
Wow! Everything sounds very realistic. The drawing of the sword, the footsteps, the stabbing. I'm very impressed with the realism in sound. The only problem is about 5% of the time the sound drops out for a few seconds. Once again, it is not unbearable, just annoying. The biggest annoyance form the audio for me is that sometimes you'll hear something happen sooner or later than you see it happening. That lag happens a lot when in combat. I hope they can fix this in the next Assassin's Creed if not in this one with another patch.
Story: 7/10
I'm not gonna lie, these missions are not the most entertaining for a french revolution game.I feel this game could be more fun if it focused more on helping with the revolution rather than the story of the Assassin's vs Templar's. This game has 12 sequences, but they are very short, and the first 3 sequences you are not doing any assassin work yet. Although I understand the series is focusing on the constant battle, this still did not have the most interesting story for the rivalry.
Multiplayer: 10/10
This is the best multiplayer experience for an assassins creed game that I've had. I feel doing missions with other assassins is more fun than just playing a hide and seek game. Whether it be with friends or random people, I always have fun with these missions.
Fun: 10/10
I haven't played such a fun game in a long time. There is so much to do that you will be playing this game for upwards of 60 hours. There are tons of side missions, riddles to figure out, murders to solve, locks to pick, really endless fun. Without the side missions, this game would not be as fun.
Overall: 46.4/50
I totally recommend this game. Not only can you get the game for 30 bucks, but it will come with free DLC as well. THIS IS A HUGE STEAL! Now that all the bugs have pretty much been fixed, this is a 60 dollar game selling for half price. You won't be disappointed.