A game for gamers
User Rating: 8.5 | Assault Heroes 2 X360
Lets get the bad out of the way....The spaceship level stinks, it's crowded, can't maneuver, camera gets in the way. Fortunately it's only three levels. Now let's get to the good stuff....Everything else. It's fast, it's fun, it's run and gun! For the most part you will just use the jeep, quick and powerful! Using the jeep in just a few zones I scored almost 2 million points on the single player hard difficulty........And dudes.......I'm 50 years old!!! So get out there, man up, play the game on hard and it will put hair on your chest!! Oh yeah! Did I forget to mention that it has space zombies!!? The game also has not so hidden areas where you do battle on foot. At times the action can seem overwhelming, but you have at your disposal, mini-gun, nukes, cannon, flamethrower and ice gun, and you will use them. This is a single player campaign review, hav'nt done multiplayer yet. It's a fun game, in a twitchy way.