One of the best Atari games, and games period at its time, leaving a big etch in history.
Sound/Music: The tune we all know from Asteroids playing in the background, two different notes back and forth. Then you have the sounds of moving your ship, shooting, asteroids exploding, and alien ships coming after you.
Difficulty: It's quite easy for awhile, but about 20 levels in it gets pretty fast.
Gameplay: The main idea of this game is to protect yourself against the endless hoards of asteroids that come after you. The game never ends until you die really. Once you shoot an asteroid, it will multiply into more smaller pieces and will continue until the smallest piece is shot. You advance each level by destroying every asteroid in the level, and you'll move onto a level that's a little harder than before, whether it has more asteroids, faster ones, and so on.
Controls: Quite simple. Move the little stick the direction you wish to go, push up on it to go forward, pull back to teleport. Use the button to fire.
Overall: A great game all in all, and certainly one of the biggest classics out there. My deceased grandpa used to own this game and he must have had played for hours, but ended up getting over a million points. In two hours I got a tenth of that! A wonderful game to test your score against another's.