Surprisingly fun!
To my surprise, there was a 2600 port of Asteroids. I should have known, after all, it was very popular in the arcades. Whatever the case, Asteroids for the 2600 is in many ways superior to the arcade version.
Let's start with the graphics. Sure, there may be more rough edges, but it's still much more appealing. All the asteroids are now colored bright colors, and switch to different colors when shot. Hiowever, the sound in the arcade port was better.
However, the graphics aren't the only improvement. The game play is magnificent! You still can't move, but asteroids actually hitting you is now much less frequent, which keeps you less frustrated, and in the game longer. Also, the spaceships are no longer perfect shots- they now shoot in many different directions, not all at you, which gives you a chance to actually beat them. The most notable difference in game play is when your shots go off the screen, they no longer come back. This makes it slightly harder, although it's not that noticeable.
It's also a lot more fun to play with the 2600 joystick. The stick rotates your ship, and the button fires. It is as simple as can be. The only problem is that your hand may get tired or cramped after moving the joystick for so long.
Overall, I have to say Asteroids for the 2600 has aged much better than the arcade version has. This port can still be fun today. As always, thanks for reading!