Don't let the front cover trick you every person with a GBA or DS must own this

User Rating: 9 | Astro Boy: Tetsuwan Atom - Atom Heart no Himitsu GBA
GAMEPLAY: The contan action and never ending emeies getting bigger make it realy fun to play even on the first level the enemies start to get bigger then the screan witch can lead to Frame rate drop witch is about the only graphicle flaw in this game.The boss fights are huge and trust me Tresure games (Maker of Ikaruga Gunstar heros) know how make bosses but when the games get to rebirth (doing to game again but knowing the future) might ge old but dont forget there tons of hiddin thing to find in this game and most oh then are needed to finish the game.Every time you meet someone they get added to you brain witch looks like a behive patarn.Theres about 4 seconds on each side of the sape and each are for the sirtneint caracter but pople closest to astro get put next to him in the middle and the more pople you the more you find out where to find the hiddin stuff (Unless you can figure it out on ur own) [9]

GRAPHICS:Some of the graphics can be very impressive like the cutscenes have picutres of caracter that look like they were in the cartoon and gameplay graphics are impressive aswell it just seems the jerky frame rate when fighting booses and fight about 5 enimies realy lets it down but if you cna ignore that your fine [9]

SOUND:There arnt realy much speach sounds at all in this game some caracter just have a Arrgh oh uhhh or ow! the only sounds of astro u hear are ow owwwwwwww!. the music matches and levels and its differnt depending on the theme of the level but some levles part have the same music as before witch can get old.The sound effetcs are very detailed and push the GBA Sound Hardware to its limits. [9]

VALUE:Its got a fairly amout of gameplay and stuff to do cuase onnce you finished the game you have to do it again then after that find the hidddin stuff to get the very last set of levels so there alot to do in Astro Bot Omagor Factor but are you going to have fun doing it?. [7] Overall its a great game amazing gameplay and prberly the best GBA game ever i think tresure games did a very good job on this if you looking for some thing cool and freakwently fighting this is a good chiose its worth you time and money