A worth-while addition

User Rating: 8.1 | Astro Boy: Tetsuwan Atom - Atom Heart no Himitsu GBA
Astro Boy, in one of his many incarnations, has been part of just about everyone's childhood and whether you're 14 or 24 this game will surely appeal to you. The story isn't strong, certainly not when compared to the show itself, but the action is great and the varied number of abilities you can explore in the character a lot of fun. There are difficulty settings built into the game that allow even the most inexperienced platflorm gamer to pick up and enjoy this cart. The graphics are as good as one gets on the GBA and the replayability of the game, espcially at different levels of difficulty, is good. AB:OF isn't an immersive and all-consuming game that'll keep you up into the wee hours of the morning, but as a platformer it's great fun.