Asrto Tripper was developed by PomPom Games (a two-man team) for the PlayStation Store. It's a remake of PomPom's game "Space Tripper back in 2005.
- Genre(s): Arcade - Shooter
- Age Rating: 3+
- Contents: Space Combat
- Difficulty: Quite challenging
- Good arcade shooter
- Good visuals
- Good sound effects
- Short
- Surprisingly hard even on beginner mode
- Can't shoot up or down
- Only two main weapons
Astro Tripper is an arcade game that you can purchase at the PlayStation Store for about 3 pounds, which is worth the buy. The gameplay is simple and can be quite addictive. Much like arcade shooting games from the old days, you control a little fighter plane and move around shooting anything you see. Astro Tripper can also be quite hard with enemies moving all over the place and require a lot of fast button pressing. The camera is set in a helicopter view looking down at you and your surroundings. My only problem with this is that the camera is set a bit to close, which makes a hard to see what coming at you. You have a map at the top of the screen that shows you the entire level as well as the location of enemies, but it can be hard to look at your map when you're trying to dodge enemy fire and shoot enemies at the same time. You can move up down left and right, but can only shot left and right. There are 3 main levels and each level has 3 sages. Each sage (Level) is quite linear giving you very little room for you to move and dodge enemy attacks. Every stage is stretched out from left to right (Hens why you only shot left and right) so the only real reason to move up and down to move round enemies and dodge enemy fire. You only move in one direction at a time so that mean if you're facing left and there's an enemy behind you (To your right), simply press the O button to change your direction. At the end of every level (the third sage) you will be granted with a boss fight. The boss fights are great but can be a bit of a challenge the first time around. You only have 3 lives at a time. Once you lose a life, that's it. You cannot gain move lives and your remaining lives will carry on to the next stage or level. There are no checkpoints ether. Once you die you will have to reset the stage again (NOT THE LEVEL). Once you lose all your three lives the game is over and you'll then have to reset the whole level. Each level is unlocked after every level so, if you completed level one and die in the first stage in level two, you can continue from the start of level two from the main menu with three lives again. There are three difficulty settings, easy hard and another you'll need to unlock (easy is hard enough, trust me). Playing on easy you'll notice every stage has a barrier around the area stopping you from falling into nowhere. Playing on hard will cause the barriers to disappear so you'll have to watch you don't get to close to the edge and fall off, as well as everything else. As hard as it may sound, I found the game very fun to play and very addictive. It makes the game worth the challenge, and I would say it's worth the purchase. You have two weapons on your little fighter plane; one shoots blue orbs in a straight line and the other shoots out from the sides. There are a variety of enemies for you to destroy, which can be very fun and challenging as well. The game is quite short. It'll probably take you an hour to finish, or several depending on your skills but for as short as it is, it can be quite addictive. The game is also featured with trophies (8 to be exact), which are great, but some can be very tricky to achieve. Overall I did enjoyed Astro Tripper. Considering the game was made by a two-man team, the gameplay is fun, it looks awesome and I would recommend the purchase because it's cheap, and worth the play.
- Life Value – 4/10.
- My Thought Score – 7/10
- Presentation – 5/10
- Graphics – 7.5/10
- Gameplay – 7.5/10
- Sound Effects – 8/10
- Originality – 5/10
Astro Tripper Review by Simon a.k.a. [TheDevilDweller]