Its like watching an expensive anime movie. Its less than 6 hours, but those 6 hours sure is a blast. Rent it.
Story is quite weak and short. Its quite similar to kratos' story, There are 8 demigod generals protecting the earth from gohma, the monsters swarming the planet. One of them is Asura, his comrades betrayed him ,killed his wife and took away his daughter. He died in the process of getting his daughter back. He got revived 12,000 years later and now he want revenge!! It spans 18 chapters (plus secret episodes) and runs 20 mins each, like an actual anime - ill give 6/10 for story
Gameplay - Now this is a heavy QTE based game.Warning!! 70% is QTE, 20% is on rail shooting, 10% is the actual combat like ninja storm fighting game. Even though the combat is shallow, The awesome fighting scenes makes up for it. Im not against QTE but this one is very heavy and most of the QTE you missed doesnt affect the gameplay or alternate the scenes. Pretty much QTEs are just there to rack up your score points every chapter of the game. Though QTEs here are better than NINJA BLADE's rewind thing if you missed a button. If we break down the game play every chapter it has roughly 70% cutscenes and 30% combat ---- ill give it 6/10 for the gameplay.
Presentation - Now this where the game is good at. Vivid manga art style and pure cyberconnect quality, they never disappoint on technical dept. It has manga/anime storytelling style. They have episodes, intermissions and credits. Its like you're watching an entire anime season (18 episodes). It is so awesome that you wish they really made this an anime instead rather than a game. English Voices is quite passable and it has dual audio so people on both worlds can enjoy! Soundtrack is abit repetitive but memorable - ill give this 9.5/10
Overall impression --$60 on a 6hour game is pretty hard to decide nowadays. You can rent it or wait for a price drop. Replayability is there for trophy / achievement purposes, or just simply re-watch those awesome scenes you unlocked. I say this is a must RENT. You can finish this in one-two sitting. f you're a fan of QTE (Quick time event) games then this is for you. Remember in the early 90's when we enjoyed dragon's lair and Road avenger? Same good ol' stuff!
Its very short, but its a blast!!
For trophy collectors about getting platinum, the difficulty is moderate. You have to replay over and over again to get it.
This game is so perfect playing this on weekend . And if there are friends watching you play this game, Im 100% positive that he will borrow it from you coz of its epicness XD
Overall score -8/10