Presentation: Asura's wrath is an amazing game to play through. The story is engaging without dragging and manages to make the player care about Asura, even though he yells a lot. Visually, the game is stunning. If you are a fan of Street Fighter 4, then you'll get a kick out of the visuals. It's obvious that Capcom took special care with the story and visual aspects of Asura's Wrath since it takes up most of the game. It is true that Asura's Wrath is like playing a tv show. There are tons of cutscenes to watch and the game is separated into episodes. If you aren't a fan of lengthy cut-scenes, then this should be taken into consideration. Also, the game is short. It can take 10 hours to beat. However, part of the fun comes from replaying levels to get a better score and unlock extras. It should be noted that DLC is available, so the game has more lasting appeal.
Gameplay: Playing Asura's Wrath isn't as appealing as watching it. Combat is split between button mashing and quick time events...lots of quick time events. After each cutscene, you are left to fight an enemy and once you build up your limit guage then you press R2 and get thrown into a group of QTE's. This isn't necessarily a problem but it kind of makes combat seem like just a bridge between cutscenes. Also, missing a QTE doesn't affect how the game runs; it only affects your score at the end of the episode.
Conclusion: Asura's Wrath was a pleasure to play simply because the story and visuals were amazing. Granted, gameplay could have been better but it wasn't a fun-killer. I had a blast with this game and anyone with an appreciation for a great story will.