Mud got into the engine of this PSP racer, clogging up what should have been a sure thing
positives: solid animations look and feel good
dynamic soundtrack
lots of diffrent stunts
network play is awsome
negatives: iffy controls and demanding graphics= frustration!
frame rate goes bad somtimes
you dont need the D-pad or the analog stick in this game
presentation: An outstanding network feature set, coupled with an outstanding career structure, tied up with an outstanding auto-save. Outstanding 10/10
graphics: You can't call it ugly, and you can't call it broken, but you also can't call it smooth or pretty ... it's just blah.6/10
sound: Anything with Auf Der Maur is a start for me, but otherwise, this is just loud and grating ... sort of like the real thing, but not good 6/10
gameplay: It's less forgiving for pansies compared to ATV3 on PS2, and it still comes close to that console game. But it's just never anywhere near as fun to ride 6/10
lasting appel: Beginners won't be able to dig as deep into this as they could the console games because of the rough control. but online and unlockables are worth some effort 9/10
Overall: 7.5/10
My Verdict: Rent It :/