Its sweet its simple and it can give you endless hours of time killing happiness
The game maps out the song so you get a road that will go along with the song. It does this by making hills for example if you are playing a slow song you will be going uphill a faster one you will be going down. Overall it works great sometimes the road doesnt really fit the song and the beats are a little off but thats forgivable because it was ten bucks.
The graphics were nice there was plenty going on and it all looked good. Although you can mess with the screen a bit by giving it different screen effects (negative, paint, rust, etc.)
Gameplay was fluid and it worked nothing out of the ordinary you just use your mouse or keyboard. Where it gets interesting is in your choice of characters. All of the characters have different traits such as being able to delete blocks or holding onto them and choosing where they go.
Overall this is a fast or slow paced time killing game 100% worth the ten dollars and you will probably find yourself playing it a lot more then you think. Especially finding bands or songs that work really well with the system and making it a really awsome experiance.