Love music, bored, then you'll love this!

User Rating: 9 | AudioSurf PC
More of an experience than a game. Simple gameplay that's tied to the music that you like. All music files play a different 'race track' which see's you collecting coloured blocks or avoiding grey ones, thats the genius behind this game. Every song/mp3 file will generate a different course.

Think of the old school LCD racing games that were about in the 80's. Only this time you collect coloured blocks rather dodge them. Add into it a 7x3 grid/playing field and it turns into a puzzle game. With options such as 'Mono' where you only collect one colour and try to dodge the grey blocks there really is something here for everyone.

If you like music, like a racing games, or puzzlers or just want a quick blast of something whilst waiting (getting pumped for a raid in 'WoW' or the likes maybe) then this is for you!

Did i mention a local and world leaderboard for every song you play! with free downloadable songs and more!

Way more than 7.5, i'd say 9.0 easy. So original, so much replay value for a mere £5.99 or $9.99 via steam. simple really, A MUST BUY!!!