A great game. Very addicting, but not the common 10 out of 10 or the 1 out of 10 people are giving it.

User Rating: 8.7 | Audition Online PC
Audition, a very good game made by Nexon. Now if your equiped for a long review, read on. I started this game 2 months after it came on... so I have been playing for a long while. Here is my opinions on the game.

Many people are already judging this game by the 10/10s and the 1/10s. Now if you ask me, the reason why people had given this game a 1/10 is because; proof showing of the time they've been playing-- They haven't played the game very long. And look at their reveiws? 1, 2-- 3 paragraphs tops? What does this tell you. Exsactly. Nothing. As well goes for some 10/10 reveiws. But, not saying my reveiw is any better or worse most of the 10/10 reveiws are actually done really well-- same for the 1/10 reveiws. With this said lets continue.

The game itself, is a game where you create an avatar (Which will look like a hobo for the first week or two ^^), and you enter this hightech town where there is a mall, to shop for clothes with either nexon cash (Nexon cash-- or NX is bought with a credit or debit card through instuctions on the site) or beats (Money earned through the game which costs no real money.), there is a TV station, where you enter a room and dance with up to 6 people including you with 10 possible watchers, and a weird UFO thing (o_O) that if you click on will take you to the rankings. In the game, there are different dance modes, with different objectives and different expectations. Each room can either be a battle party room, a one-two party room or a regular room. In Battle party rooms, you face a NPC in a duel with 5 other people. The NPCs are extremely talented, never miss, and gain extra points. In One-two party rooms, a NPC will move his/her arms up and down, side to side on certain timings instead of arrows showing up. You need to memorize the direction of their arms, and the timimgs and mimic them. In a normal room, you can choose between different battle stages, different modes (Including team modes: Choreography, Choreography Expert, Normal, B-Boy Battle 4, B-Boy Battle 8, Dynamic 4, Dynamic 8, Freestyle, Couples and Expert Couples; Single modes: Practice 8, Choreography, Choreography Expert, Normal Indivisual, Freestyle Dynamic 4, and Dynamic 8.), and different songs (Including music by HelloGoodbye, Hilary Duff, and 2xL) which vary in Beats Per Minute (Speed) and vary in beat. Pretty much, you insert arrows on the screen before a small blue dot passes the highlighted section where you must space. Depending on the accuracy of the timing you hit the space bar, you will receive either a Perfect, Great, Cool, Bad, or Miss if you don't hit the highlighted area at all. During certain game modes, you can give yourself a challenge by hitting the Delete key (To make red arrows come up which must be inserted in the opposite direction. This is called chance) or the Insert Key (To make diagonal arrows show. To do this you must have numlock off, and you need to use the num-pad. This is 8k.). By doing this you get extra points for your extra effort. There is one more secret mode activated by pressing tab. Only about 60-65% of audition players know about this. When you press tab, the arrows that appear will go into a small box on the side, and when you insert them, they will appear on a scale beside the box. The arrows will not be highlighted when you press them (except during freestyle), and the highlighted area to tell you when to space will dissapear. This won't reward you extra points, but its also the easiest side mode there is.

You start being able to play on 1 of two servers-- the beginner server and the free server. The free server is for everybody, level doesn't count. The beginner server is only for people who are level 5 and under. Start on the free server PLEASE. If you don't you'll hate this game and yourself forever. you'll easily level up until level 5, where you'll need to take a license test to get to level 6. From 6 on you need to take a license test for EVERY level (Its a pain in the azz, I swear, but it gets easier after you pass the level 7 onto 8 license... *shudder* that ones terribly hard) Each server has 20 channels, and each channel has tons of rooms. This game is mostly for people who like to chat, dance, listen to music, like PVP (Player Versus Player), or for people who want an addicting, enjoyable, and fairly easy game to play. If you haven't decided if this game is for you or not, then continue reading into the next section.

I'm going to start with graphics.7/10. They are fairly good. This game, is very nicely done in 3-D, moving backgrounds and is well detailed. What caused the graphics to fall in rating was their hidious-- Very noticable graphic overlap problem. This is not a minor, un-noticable flaw. Also, thanks to the graphic overlap problem, you may find that when your avatar is rotated to the right angle, your hair is suppended in the air about a few mm above your back/shoulders/chest. Most of the times though, you can find a neat looking outfit without a graphic overlap problem. The other flaw in their graphics is not as big, but sometimes their graphics cut off or aren't as smooth as we'd all like them to be. Overall though, great graphics. (If your dissapointed with this, see runescape's graphics (-DON'T LOOK TOO LONG YOUR EYES WILL SHATTER-), then go back on. You'll feel alot better.)

The sound is very well done. The songs are very good dance songs, and the music isn't choppy. Lobby songs are long, and well picked out. The lobby songs aren't dinky little annoying tunes, its MUSIC (Savour the word). They don't repeat the songs over and over, because there are about 4, 5 minute songs. So unless you are in the lobby, mall or in the UFO for 20 minutes, you shouldn't have much of a song repeating problem. I haven't found any problems with the sound on this, and the sound effects are well picked out and distinguished.

The gameplay is decent, very decent at that. There are so many dance modes and so many people to chat with... you can have a blast for hours. You might be on to save up beats for an adorable tank top, or just on to dance with friends, either way, there's lots to do. The gameplay is a bit down until you are level 6 because there isn't as much in the beginner server, and until you are level 7 or 8, you won't earn much money because its hard to switch from competing with level 1-5 players from competing with level 1-34 players (Most in the range of level 6-18)/. After you get the hang of things, you'll just fly. You'll catch the beat and learn the dance modes.

You won't wanna stop playing after you get into it. Its not the most original game ever, its like DDR for your fingers. In my opinion, its better than In The Groove and Dance! Online. If you dissagree, thats good. Its important for people to have differnt opinions on things. Its a relitively easy game because you are pretty much just pressing arrows; but some areas like 8k, chance and mode like B-boy battle are quite challenging. With so many dance modes, the learning curve is higher compared to most games, but learning is good so don't fret if you can't play the game at first I couldn't either. Its very addictiing after a while too, especially as you start to get the hang of everything. So... the moment you've all been waiting for... *Achem* DRUMROLL PLEASE... *da da da da da da da da da* THE END! *Triumphant music*. If you read all the way down here, thanks, and I hope you enjoyed this reveiw and I also hope it helped you.