User Rating: 8.3 | Auto Modellista PS2
Right off the bat you will first realize this isn't quite like other racing games out there, and im some ways that's a good thing, but in other's it's a bad thing. The game try's to balance the bar between simulation and arcade racing, and this makes the game easy for beginners, but yet can still be challenging for experts in some area's of the game. The main thing people will be attracted to in the game will be the Garage Life mode. This mode gives the player an opportunity to earn better parts and unlock other things that you can use. The Garage Life has plenty of options for the player, but the earning part may not be to in depth for hardcore racing gamer that enjoy's earning credit's or money to buy parts and mod's for your vehicle, since when you beat race's you automactically unlock parts and other stuff with the need to purchase. This might not be a problem for rental gamer's or once in awhile racing gamer's, but will not quite appeal to the crowd of gamer's that like total simulation such as Gran Turismo 3: A - Spec. The game's control can vary depending on the setting's of your car, and the track's condition, and can get pretty rough if you don't have your car's setting's right for the particular track. The game's graphics are cell-shaded, giving it a cartoonish look too it, but the game still manages to keep everyone looking alright and smooth. Personally, when I play I feel as though, I'm on a anime show. But some people will enjoy the games new edge, while other's might feel that it's rather bland. Overall this game is entertaining if your willing to put some hours of your life into it, but don't expect to be consumed anywere as near as Gran Turismo 3: A - Spec, although the online part will keep you playing for hours, against racer's that are racing their best car's for the fastest time's possible. I recommend this game for a rental if your not a racing fan, and if you are, still rent it first, becuase this game is a little different from most other racer's in it's own way.