After playing the Geneforge series on the PC, Avadon: The Black Fortress makes the RPG element available to Android.
There are mounds and mounds of text within the game - possibly more than the Elder Scrolls - Skyrim has input into its books. Although exploration is limited, maps are excessively large - seeming larger than those in previous Spiderweb games. Avadon does use recycled content from Geneforge, and previous games, such as character models, sprites, and sounds, but a user new to the experience will not be distracted by the reused content.
A:TBF uses a turn-based tile melee/missile/magic combat system, slightly different than that of previous games. The inventory system now allows you to carry a "Junk Bag," enabling you to quick-sell masses of items that you do not want clogging up your inventory. The maps are varied - every map has its own unique setup - no building looks the same and none of the environment is placed the same. The controls are effectively easy to use - You may want to have a tablet that is 8" or larger, with a high screen resolution, to play this game. After using the Google Nexus 7 to play this game, I have had instances where I might have pressed other buttons accidentally, or mispressed a tile during combat.
Overall, Avadon: The Black Fortress is one of the best games available for Android today - if you have a tablet and intend to game, I suggest you check this game out - the game is only $10 on Google Play, and those with the Humble Bundle for Android 2 should already have this game.