Good Try THQ! One of the better NICK games to be released!

User Rating: 7.5 | Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth PS2
I remember getting my little brother the first game because he is a BIG fan of the TV show. I'm surprised when he said that it sucked! I played it, and i thought it was a mess. The gameplay was too repetitive. I kept feeling like I was doing the same combo over and over lol. The game's cel-shading was also okay, but could've been done a lot better. What I liked about it was the RPG elements that were thrown in.

But thankfully, THQ learned their lesson by making some improvements, and delivering Avatar: The Burning Earth. They got rid of the cel-shading graphics, and they look better this time around IMO. One of the major additions is the Multi-player mode, which is cool when u have someone to play with. And, there are a few more characters this time around. You can also play as Jet, Toph, Uncle Iroh, and Prince Zuko in the story. As you can tell by the game's title, the story follows the second season "Book 2: Earth". So, if you watch the TV show, you will be already be familiar with the enemies you will face. Also, you will be able to play as Appa, Aang's flying bison in certain battles against the infamous Fire Nation. If you're playing Co-op mode, one player will steer Appa, and the other will shoot the enemies. Another cool little addition is that Aang can turn into his "Avatar" state while fighting to deal more damage.

One bad thing is the easy difficulty. All of the enemies don't really put up such a big fight. Because it's a beat-em-up, you can keep mashing on the attack button until they are dead (although there are different combos to hurt/stun your enemy). The only really complicated battle is the last one. Another negative is the length of the game. I was playing with my little bro on Co-op mode, and it took us about 4 or 5 hours to finish it lol. The most annoying complaint I have are the loading times. When u lose a battle/go to the next level, you will have to wait for SO long. It feels like an eternity. And, if you have lost a battle, you can't just skip the cutscene and go straight to the action, you have to see it AGAIN.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Overall, this is a pretty good game. Hopefully, this series will continue to improve, and the next game will be longer and deeper.