Buy the Book 2: Earth DVD set instead
Onto the review:
I rarely complain about graphics in things, I usually don't find them to be broken at the very least, but this is a problem here. Aside from the fact that early PS2 games look better than this and there are some nice cutscenes that look somewhat like the show, most of the cutscenes lack the movement of people's mouths. Its actually quite funny in a creepy way, but its hardly an acceptable thing when PS1 and N64 games had mouth movement. This is two gnerations later and yet there is no mouth movement? Unless you have seen the show, I highly doubt that most people would be able to realize any of the bit characters talking, or the main characters in some scenes. The character movement itself is fine, not the best thing ever made, but nothing terribly distracting either.
The voice acting sounds solid for a title like this, and overall I have few complaints. It does sound like the show, and although I would prefer to stop hearing the same battle scentences over and over, the VOs aren;t that bad. I actually have seen almost all of the 2nd book of Avatar, and the story is basically a simplfied version of the Earth Book (except you might as well just watch the show in all honesty. You can probably buy the 2nd book DVD set for less than this game). If you've seen the show, you can probably follow along, although details are skipped. If you havn't seen any of the first book, you might be hopelessly lost with the story without catching up first.
Another major problem with this game is collision detection. You'll wonder how something hit you when you know that in a game like Jak & Daxter, that object shouldn't hit you. You also have no camera control, although you could actually use it here. If you're doing a lot of platforming in one segment, sometimes your other character (if it is a CPU) will disappear. But that's not to worry, the computer will fix it and it does. An advantage to this game is that there is 2 player capabilites. Perfect for if you have 2 people who are fans of the show and both want to play. Otherwise, the computer controls the other as a CPU (although you can switch between characters at any time with no delay), which makes a great distraction while you actually beat up the generic bad guys and aligator rats. The gameplay is what you expect from this, not much more and possibly less. This game also made me update something to play it (which is completely absurd, I got that system about 2-3 weeks ago) and while that only took about 3 seconds to load, its just confusing as to what part of the 360 it pushes to the point it would need a quick upgrade.
All in all, I'd still tell everyone to rent this just for the achievement points. Fans of the show might feel more comfortable with it (although I sure didn't), but its just another game based off a franchise/show/movie aimed at kids. But it still gets points for easy acheivment points.