Avatar is set in a beautiful world of four nations, and the avatar trying to save them all from the over-cocky fire lord. This game could have been great if they had fully utilized the wii mote. However, they chose to poorly, and quickly put together a game without putting much thought into it. The game reminds me of a game made off of a movie and is just plain terrible! The graphics looks like they were put together sloppily and extremely quickly. The game designers obviously put no work into making the game beautiful and enjoyable in any way, seems to happen a lot with games that are released to multiple platforms. The creators cannot focus on fully utilizing a specific platforms abilities therefore making the game just all around suck! Overall, avatar is a terrible game that was a waste of every buck spent. I advise you not to waste yours.
Other Helpful Reviews for Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar The Last Airbender sucks ass. The gameplay gets really boring really fast. Plus, you'd think by now they'd be able to put better graphics in a game than this. The sound is pretty jacked and unrealistic. The ch... Read Full Review
This doesn't really deserve a full-fledged review. While the show is very inventive and one of my favorite things to do with a TV, (You don't want to know the others... O_O) this... thing is a generic dungeon crawler wit... Read Full Review