This is simply not a good substitute for the original A&A PC game.

User Rating: 5.7 | Axis & Allies: Iron Blitz PC
Iron Blitz was released over a year after the original PC version of Axis and Allies, and it simply does not measure up. I expected to see improved graphics, different gameplay. I was looking for basically anything different to cling to, but quite simply, this game does not have anything I was looking for. Quite honestly, I'm disappointed. There are only two major differences between Iron Blitz and the original A&A package. One is the introduction of certain short videos at points in game. The other is the introduction of new untis, the likes of which have been seen in the board game versions of A&A Pacific or Europe. The videos seem outdated by now. Had they been in the original, they may have been alright, but they just feel like an unneeded addition. As for the extra units, all forces get them. So the addition of the Marine, which has a higher attack power during amphibious assaults, does no good for Russia, while it improportionately helps the U.K., U.S., and Japan. The addition helps even out sea battles, and allows for some new gameplay. All these innovations, however, don't make much of a difference, and the game barely improves upon the original. Unfortunately, this game is simply not worth digging up. In my opinion, it is a black mark on the name of Axis & Allies because it doesn't hold true to any of the board game versions that have come out. People seeking a new and better challenge would be better off buying the 2004 revision of Axis & Allies. Save your money by not buying this game. It is not worth owning if you have the original, and comes no where close to the board game.