An adventure game which acts as the fourth installment of the film franchise
With time-travel, any tinkering with the past can have drastic changes to people's lives and historical events. Throughout the game, Marty and Doc often think they are ready to live their normal life but learn that a small change has had catastrophic consequences on the future, meaning they have another job to do to repair the damage.
Graphically, the bold and cartoon-like world works well. The game can be controlled by mice and keyboard, mouse only, or by using a game-pad. Which ever method you use, the controls can feel very clunky, which is partly due to the camera. Movement throughout the town isn't as free as you'd imagine, where invisible walls often guide you to use the footpath rather than darting over the road. As the camera angle changes, adjusting your direction feels awkward and inaccurate. I settled with using the pad, and you can cycle the interactive objects using the bumpers, squeeze the right trigger to highlight interactive objects which is helpful.
Another problem with the environments are that they aren't that interactive. Usually, there's plenty of objects to bring out extra witty dialog, or to try to make the puzzles harder, but the town just feels empty. There aren't enough characters to make the town feel busy either, so it just feels a little bland.
The dialog and voice acting is good. So impressive that you probably won't notice that Marty isn't voiced by Michael J Fox. The dialog trees are a bit disappointing though because sometimes you are presented with a choice, but it's just the illusion of choice, since Marty will say a set dialog anyway. The whole game is very dialog driven, the puzzles are pretty basic and sparse for an adventure game. If you do get stuck, there is an in-game hint system which is helpful and makes checking a walk-though redundant.
If you like the Back To the Future film series, then you should like this game. But as a game, adventure fans probably won't enjoy it too much since it is more of an interactive story and not interesting if you ignore the subject matter.