Fans of the movies will enjoy this, but this is far from Telltale Games' best.
GAMEPLAY - Those familiar with Telltale Games' latest entries (StrongBad, Wallace and Gromit, Monkey Island, etc.) should be pretty familiar with their games by now. For those who aren't, this is basically an old school point-and-click adventure where you solve puzzles to progress the story. This game isn't much different other than the fact that it has its own twist on things, being based on Back to the Future and all. It's definitely not Telltale Games' best release, but it's not the worst either. You'll notice some things about this that are modified scenes and/or dialogue from the movies. I can understand why they did this, but it doesn't make this game feel very original or unique from the movies. I know this argument may seem kind of flawed, but basically what I'm trying to say is, why would you play this if you could just watch the movies? Otherwise this is still a pretty fun game, and the fact that they got Christopher Lloyd and Michael J. Fox to return here is awesome. - 8/10
STORY - Kind of an odd story here, but nonetheless true to the franchise. Marty McFly is upset that the bank has ordered an estate sale at Doc Brown's house since he's been missing for weeks, but Marty soon finds out that he is trapped in another point in time, and must track him down. There isn't a whole lot of reasoning behind the time period you visit, but hopefully this will unfold more and more with each additional episode to the series. - 8/10
GRAPHICS - I personally don't care for the graphics here. They're almost...too cartoon-y. And the animations seem very outdated. This game isn't bad to look at, but there are a lot of animations, mainly facial ones, that just don't look quite right. - 6.5/10
SOUND - Again, Fox and Lloyd returning here is awesome. The other voice actors fit their roles well, for the most part, and the music is taken right out of the movies. Definitely no complaints here. - 9/10
LENGTH/REPLAY VALUE - Not one of the longer episodes, even for a Telltale Games release. Most of the trophies are hard to miss also, so there isn't a whole lot of replay value here. Most of the story follows the basic formula used in the movies, so you won't see anything too memorable here. - 6/10
BOTTOM LINE - Not a great game on its own, but a decent start to what should prove to be a great series of episodes that make up a single game. Fans of Back to the Future will appreciate the fan service here, even if it feels a bit forced and too much on the playing-it-safe side of things. If you're like me though and love the trilogy, this game will definitely satisfy your appetite for another adventure with Marty McFly and the Doc. - 7.5/10