Chapter 3 picks up the gripping story, but production values have really slipped to an all time low.
On the positive side, the characters are faithful to their originals, with quirky, yet accurate 3d modelling and superb voice acting. The story is truly immersive, sticking to the same kind of formula that made the original movies so successful. It doesn't try to be too ambitious or make any drastic diversions. It really feels like an extension to the original trilogy.
On the negative side, the game itself is very basic. Puzzles are quite few and far between, especially in this chapter and the player spends more time listening to dialogue and watching cutscenes than actually playing. Worse still, it often feels that you have no real control over the speech, just in which order you say things. It makes the game very linear and the interaction seems there only to give the illusion of playing the game, when you are in fact watching another cutscene.
Another let down, more noticeable in this chapter, are the glaring bugs, glitches, continuity errors and short cuts the production team have taken. Without dropping any spoilers, there's a point where one "defeated" character appears in two places at once and another character fails to acknowledge events that have previously transpired.
The game also feels very limited in terms of environments and your playable area is very restricted. In fact, you will often find that invisible barriers prevent you from exploring, which would have been real nice for us BTTF fans. A few inside jokes and hidden treats here and there for example.
As enjoyable as these games are in terms of plot, I can't help feeling it could've been so much more.