review 26

User Rating: 3.5 | Back to the Future NES
dang!!!its back to the future from ljn.OMG its time to kill myself.
BAM!!!what the heck im a ghost?well here is back to my trash.
so its in the trash lets play some other bad game.what about
contra force.wait i did that.what about kid kool,oh wait i did that.
well i have every single nes game.well yes i do have cheethamen 2
and other rare games like the Nintendo world championships 1990
gold is my rarest thing i back to the future.well you
play Marty and you go around running into everything possible.
look i cant stop.what i don't get is why Marty in the middle of the
road when he could get hit.also he looks nothing like Marty.
he don't even have the clothes.what the heck!!!this game is horrible.also you have to dodge hula hoop girls,bully's that wear
pink dresses.also you know what forget it.SMASH!!!there was
a sequel.back to the future parts 2 and more stupid could
it get.well its not really stupid its more like hard and you have
the biggest password ever and you have to do a cheat in order
to see the password which its F-L-U-X-C-A-P-A-C-I-S-T-H-E-P-O-W-E-R.its fluxcapacisthepower.makes no sense and it skips
you to back to the future 3.BYE next review comes
well you will see its goona be in the future!!!also it is a bad game.