Attempt number one

User Rating: 9 | Backbreaker PS3
Very nice game very hard to learn but once you learn it and you become good its all about timing and learning the actual game of football when i frist tryed this game i got sacked like a eight time i got intecepted more than that but it was worth it because even when the setting is not on hard its hard. this is no madden so if your used to madden do not buy htis game cuz its going to shock you you can't warp the ball to a reciver inches actualy count in this game aswell as position timing and stats are not everything since everythins on the fly so if you were used to a wall of guards given a minute to throw here you only get second like in real life the stats are all more realitisc nothing like madden love that they had all custom teams rushing is my favorite part of the game if you have a power back you enjoy the game more but an elusive back can make you pay hard so its up to you would recomend this game B+ Better then madden in so many ways i wished they combine them both so they can get the best game ever