Why, oh why, did this have to fail? It was so bleedin' close!
Everyone was excited! Finally a game that could have a chance to challenge Madden. Not topple it of course, that would require the nuclear Armageddon. But something fresh and different, taking advantage of procedural animations and customization; surely that would be all wonderful and unicorn farts, right?
Eh, no.
The problems you probably already know about unless this is the first review you clicked (fool!). Camera: bad, AI: Pathetic, Controls: massive pile of something that you can make up yourself, but is also bad...yah. Anyway, these themselves are enough to ruin the game. It is borderline unplayable, and starts to hurt a little if you try more than one game in a sitting.
But the real big deal here is that what they add to the game actually falls flat as well. The 'team customization' is really limited, despite the clams otherwise. Essentially, it's the decal creator from Forza with a lot more layers but no more user friendliness and a few color options, that's it. Even Madden lets you fiddle with your stadium a bit.
Surely, you are saying, surely the procedural tackles will make up for all of this. It must, right?
No, and raise your hand before you speak!
The problem here isn't really the technology behind it, it's how it was implemented. They players seem to have no wish to stay on their feet, simply crumpling whenever anyone so much as brushes by them. I've been 'tackled' just by running too close to my o-line. No struggle means that instead of each hit looking new and fresh, they all look the same. Which is just tragic really.
This game gets the score it does because of the disappointment around it. I am sick and tired of Madden, but I still want football (and don't you dare mention 2K football, it's bad for a whole host of other reasons). This game was the golden savior for me, right up to the point that it took all my dreams and violated them in front of me, thus causing a depth of depression that will not, nay, CAN not be lifted from now unto eternity.
Tackle ally was fun though.