An enjoyable baseball game with fun all around.

User Rating: 7.5 | Backyard Baseball 2001 PC
Backyard Baseball 2001 is a fun game. The game is controlled completely with the mouse (although you can press the space bar to pause and Esc. to skip the announcers) and it actually works pretty well. Batting works perfectly and you can make it as challenging as you want by taking off the pitch locater and selecting one of three difficulties that range from extremely easy to mildly challenging. The season play is really where the game shines, you play through a bunch of games, go to playoffs, and bring your players onto leader boards against other computer controlled teams (in areas of home runs, hits, etc.) The game has great sound, surprisingly. The kids are always chanting and the announcers are pretty fun to listen to but I usually skip their dialogue to play. The sound effects are great as well. The music is catchy too. The visuals are pretty good, when it shifts to the bird's-eye view it doesn't look too great but they're ok. Overall Backyard Baseball 2001 is a fun game that I'm glad to own.