Horrible. why did i rent it??
Ok well as you know no backyard sports game would be good. But this one shows it even more being the worst sports game i have ever played.
The controlls are ok. Just run and run and pass. Sounds like any other football game right. well it isnt the running sucks bad and passing is even worse. It will make you cry.
And oh god the sounds. The announcer is so damn annoying talking about underwear and crap. I just want to strangle him or trying to be funny. And the players sound like those annoying 12 year olds you hear in wal mart begging for that new toy.
And dont even get me started with game play. It moves so slow. Nothing is entertaining. IIt has alot of plays to make but who cares if the game is so slow and crappy.
And im just not going to go with the graphics. Worse then most gamecube game graphics. In other words horrible.
The cons is that the controlls are smooth at 50% of the time but still avoid this all cost. Dont even give this to your kid you will rot their brain with crap.