A positive review on BYW 2
Backyard Wrestling 2 , wont get high reviews , it wont win any awards , it wont have gamers round the world playing for hours and hours. But BYW 2 , has a purpose , in that its a fun , violent game witch you can pick up and play when ever you feel like having 1-3 brutal fights.
The Wrestling is easier to pull off this time , submission moves are here but they are pointless other than draining more life from your foe , but submissions shouldnt even be a part of a backyard wrestling game , so it dos'nt matter if it works or not. Weapons are getting more and more violent , with chainsaws , weed-whackers , Light bulbs and Barbdwire bats ,shots with these weapons , dont offer much more than a second of violence , and some cool visiable body damage .( again it shouldnt offer anymore than that). Theres No heat-seeking weapons this time so the matches(fights) are easier to enjoy. Overall , BYW2 fixes the problems of the first game , in the gameplay department.
Graphics look awesome , Not DOA or Tekken 5 style , but for what this game trys to be , they suit. Wrestlers look chunky and colorful and envivornments are full of interactive goodness. Animations is fluid , and blood flows fee like it should , the main step up from the last game , is the Fighter (wrestler) models , witch have a nice chunky look to them thats unlike anything else on the market.
Sound is The only part of the game that sucks , Some SFX are completely non existant , Music is Pretty crappy ,and the voice work from the last game hasnt improved.
Presentation , is the best thing this game has going for it , with a brilliant roster with ECW legends ( SAndman , NEw jack and Vic Grimes ), Indy Hardoce icons ( Zandig , Ruckus , Supreme , meshiah, Rude boy , Mad man pondo ,) and some excellent Indy talent ( Sonjay dutt , Vampiro ) and ICP. menus are full of life , with some excellent hardcore moment videos . Theres only 2 gamemodes , and the story mode is weak and boring , but i just love having a few 1 on 1 fights between playing Burnout or Tony hawk. Create-a-wrestler is better than last year , but most options are to make your fighter lookl rather stupid , but if you want to make some 20 yr olds in tshirts and jeans , you can easily do it .
Overall Backyard wrestling 2 , fixed all the problems of the first game , and added a brillaint roster . FOr what this game trys to be , its pretty damn perfect/