A lesson in how to mess up flaming tables and light tubes.
Visuals - The visuals are pretty good. Flames look like flames, Tylene Buck looks like a disgusting pile of fake breast, and this game had ragdoll before ragdoll was cool. I can't really knock the visuals, as they are one of the only thing that this game managed to not mess up.
Gameplay - There we go! First in foremost, remember pins? It's a method of winning a match that, oh I don't know, EVERYONE USES! Not here! You win by knocking out your opponent...and how would you do that? The answer is in this games complex match building technology which forces the user to repeat the same 3 moves over and over again until they get an impossibly ridiculous finisher which wins the match. It's as fun as it sounds. Even more fun when you're trying to do cool things. There are also tables and things to put people through, but you won't be able to. Most times you either over throw, or under throw the tables, which really makes for an exciting match. "OHHHH I JUST THREW YOU NEXT TO THAT TABLE!!!" On the plus side there are some different modes like tag. Now you might read that and say "Tim, what's so special about a tag match?" and I'd say "It's not a tag match, that's what's special!!" Why would it be a tag team match with 2 fighters vs. 2 fighters? Oh no! It's a match where when one wrestler does an attack, the other wrestler is on fire and loses health until they hit the other wrestler...an actual game of tag! Seriously. Another BYW original idea - homing items! That's right, if you throw an item and you're opponent thinks they can out dodge it, they thought wrong! Morons! Why wouldn't a brick be heat seeking?!
Roster - This game has M-dude(Dogg) and JP when they were first starting out, before they eventually turned into indy wrestling mainstays and Owen's erection material for the next couple of years. Beyond that you get some fake wrestlers, some legit backyard wrestlers (read:yard tards) and The Insane Clown Posse...! Man, why wouldn't I want to play a poorly made wrestling game and use a rapper who can't even rap?! Juggalo's, let's face facts, Shaggy makes Mystikal look like Shakespeare with a boombox. You can also make your wrestler, well, not really. There are less than 15 different attires, and you choose one, which comes with a premade face! Man, the options are limitless!!! Then when you choose you're totally custom appearance you're given the choice of moves, all 7 of them! Christ, it's like they robbed Ric Flair's move set.
Story - The game sucks so bad that I can't play a match without wishing that my PS2 was broken. I believe it's a tv show, or something with random images of half naked woman in it. Yeah, that's a BYW mainstay, compilations of young men hurting each other spliced with softcore lesbian action, goes together like chocolate and sexually charged peanut butter!
Overall - Bad in almost every respect with no redeemable qualities. It's one of the worst games I've ever played, and I once co-owned Catwoman. The roster blows, the number moves is pathetic, and the gameplay is clunky. On the plus side at least Shaggy and Violent J get more money! Instead of buying this, just look up LCWF in youtube and see how real warriors settle their differences....with cookie sheets and fake blood!