After an interesting introduction with a half-way decent storyline, Bad Atom vomits all over you
First of all, props must be given for attempting to give a space-shooter some context, meaning, and narrative. Bad Atom's premise is that a new element has been found which provides all kinds of cures for diseases, life-longevity, clean fuel, etc. And of course weapons! In bad atom, you're attempting to create a super-weapon, but to do so will require constant attention to the molecules such that things don't blow up in your face. While the narrative is decent, the voicing of the story is uninspired, and the artwork is jarringly disperate - the images don't at all hang together. But nice idea...
Thus begins one of the worst space shooters imaginable. The controls are iffy at best, the targeting is pretty much absent, and there's not a whole lot of variety in the play. so iffy + absence + boredom = bad space-shooting game.
So chalk the attempted narrative up to a diamond in the pool of crap that is this game. So sorry, but there's better space-shooters out there that ought to be played.