User Rating: 8.3 | Bahamut Lagoon SNES
Bahamut Lagooon is one of my favorite SNES RPGs for a number of reasons. It is innovative in its gameplay, and the story line is great. Basically you are a dragon tamer and fighter who fights with an army of dragons against the bad guys who would overthrow the kingdom and unleash evil demons on the world. What is unique about the gameplay is not only that your characters, teammates and dragons increase in skill as you play... but that there is a lot of strategy involved. Decision you make on what to feed your dragon effect that dragons development. Some combinations lead to the strongest types of dragons with stronger attacks. Also there is the introduction on elemental attacks, where certain enemies and characters are more immune to certain types of attacks than others. In combat, the game functions a lot like a turn based strategy game, where you move your pieces to locations on the game board, to have encounters with the enemy. The encounters then zoom into a standard console rpg fighting sequence. The gameplay in Bahamat Lagoon is enough to carry the whole game. The graphics are also pretty good, as the drawings for the dragons and environment are quite good. The only down side to the game is that the sound effects for the dragons is very squeely. But other than that, the game is an excellent game that will be in my collection for as long as I keep gaming.