One of the best Strategic RPGs ever.
User Rating: 10 | Bahamut Lagoon SNES
Bahamut Lagoon is a game very, very few people in the US have played. This is because it was never translated. I, however, recommend getting the English ROM (after buying the original cartridge, I do not condone illegal activities) and playing this wonderful game. Gameplay: This game has the standard tactical RPG fare. You have your characters on a map and move them and attack accordingly. Each round you can move and attack or do an action with all of your characters. However, a difference from games like Final Fantasy Tactics is that instead of having individual units, each unit shown on the map is actually a squad. When you have them engage, every unit in the squad gets an action. This helps to up the fun factor of this game. What makes this game so awesome is the addition of dragons. From the beginning of the game, you get dragons to help you wage war. Although you cannot directly control them, these dragons can be set to a certain AI setting, and generally are very good at attacking or healing as needed. You can feed these dragons _anything_. If you win some things in battle you dont need... feed them to the dragon. Got some old weapons? Feeding time! Feeding your dragons is a large, well done mini game in Bahamut Lagoon. Various items increase various stats, whilst some items may raise a stat, but lower another. As you feed your dragons, their appearances will change. Each dragon has unique looks and styles for every 'class' if you will. The storyline is also fairly well done. Oftentimes you will be unable to stop, because you want to find out what will happen next so badly. When you beat the game, you will unlock a New Game+ mode, allowing you an extra summon and to keep many of your levels/items. This gives the game great replay value. Graphics: I always rate graphics according to the system they are on. For the SNES, Bahamut Lagoon's graphics rock. The sprites in battle and the looks of the dragons are excellant and wonderfully done. I have often stared at a single sprite in this game for a good amount of time, because they are that beautiful and detailed. The only game that has better graphics for the SNES is Seiken Densetsu 3. Sound: Again, sound is objective according to the system. This game has many tunes that will stay in your head for a long time. You won't mind that either, because the music is very well done. Value: On ebay you can get this game for about 20$. Note that this will be the Japanese version, as for how to get it in English... I can't make any comments... But for $20 this game is a complete steal Tilt: Bahamut Lagoon is one of the few SNES RPGs I have actually completed, because it is just that good.