It's time to master the world of Bakugan.
The story starts with a new character which you can create by deciding on how he will look in the game ( you can only play as a boy and not a girl ) as you are just learning how to play the bakugan game then one day you meet a myserious and powerful bakugan who goes by the name of Leonidas as he agrees to be partners with you but soon trouble comes up when the other Battle Brawlers learn that Leonidas was born in the Doom Dimension from all the bakugan that were trapped there so everyone except Dan believes he could be trouble but soon that is put aside when a new character named Marduk appears with his parnter Vladitor who was also a bakugan from the Doom Dimension but he was put there by the Anicent Soilders of the bakugan world to keep peace but he was freed the moment Naga toke the Slient Core so now the fate of both the bakugan and human worlds are in danger so everyone must team up to stop the chaos before it gets out of hand crazy.
As I mentioned in the part where you create your character when you first start your game you must also choose a type of element to play as that will also decide on what type your partner Leonidas will be as there are six Elements to choose from which include Pyrus ( Fire , Ventus ( Wind ) , Darkus ( Dakrness ) Aquos ( Water ) , Subterra ( Earth ) and Haos ( Light ) but remember to choose well as you can only get one Leonidas in the game and you cannot change his Element once you chosen it plus every type that is listed has a special power over each other so keep that in mind.
The most part you will be doing in this game is fighting against the characters that appear in the tv series as you must collect bakugan points that can be used in the store to buy many things like new bakugan from any of the six types , gate cards to help you out in the battle field , ability cards to power up your bakugan and also to increase your bakugan's skills like G-Power or others plus keep in mind when going to certain tournaments that each one has a certain type that can either help your bakugan or not like a fire type bakugan would be weak on the water field but stronger on the fire field.
The game is great to have if you are a big fan of the show or if your looking to add something new to your collection then this is a good game to have as there is a bonus that the skills you learn in the game can help you to learn how the real game in real life is played so give it a try if interested it's up to you.