First off, character creation...there is none. I dont know any other forgotten realms game that has'nt got character creation.
2nd, whats with the top view. Its so zoomed in you can't SEE anything. The battles are really bad, you look at your enimie and press 'b' like mad. This style of D&D game play is just...not like the forgotten realms. All of there games have the proper D&D rules applyed to the fights.
The story like just stucked... very very original, Biowares greats game still to this date (2006) is "Baldur's Gate:ToB" and Neverwinter nights followed after that. I don't know why Forgotten realms and D&D company went to Interplay to do this game because it totaly sucks dont get me wrong, it only totaly sucks in comparason to the games the Forgotten realms and Bioware worked on.
All in all, if you disagree with me thats ok, games are like religion. But for real, if you hav'nt played the first games to use the city of baldur's gate, you should. Graphics might be alittle old or what not, but i'd play it 1000 times before i'd play this game.