cool,... at first...
you'll have to ask stuff and make some decisions during the game, but the thing is... a different character doesn't change anything, and even different decision won't really effect your life... the game is actually quite some fun to play, there are various monster, and you have a bunch of magics to get for each character, but to tell you the truth, even with the sorceress, the sword will be your best friend... if you're a big fan of close combat fightings... well, you'll find the lacks in the magic aspects pretty irrilevant. but if you, like me, are a big supporter of the superiority of wizards against fighters (on high levels) you'll get a delusion.
at the beginning your magic powers will be useless against big, strong enemies. you won't have good magics and enough mental power to use it for enough time. then for some time you'll be able to decide wether take care of any enemy single handed, or die trying killing three enemies together. i don't even wanna talk about the last level of difficulty, where you'll feel no more stronger than a child against a red dragon. even the initial rats are so strong they may be considered a challange!
of course you get stronger along the way. but even at really high levels (i got all four characters at least to level 33) you are not the god of the game. that's the real pity of this game. you never get so strong you can take on anyone you want, anytime, no matter who or hoe many they are.
graphichs and sound are pretty good, nothing amazing, but they do their job. sometimes the graphics gets ruined by "squaring" stuff up, and slowing down a little bit. but it is really not such a big deal...
about longevity... well, the game could have been a little bit longer, and some more story may have been put in it..., and a real ending! (the ending sucks, i'll tell you right now, so you won't feel upset).
two words about the gameplay: it isn't exactly the most natural way of doing things, and sometimes just doesn't seem right. it may not have been the best way to put controls on a joypad, but is a fair gameplay you'll completely master after about 45 minutes. but if you'll stop playng the game for some time, because of its unnatural way of commands on the joypad, you'll need time to get back in the game. i mean: in games like gta you may not like the game, but still, the commands are pretty natural, you'll master them after a couple of hours (at most!!!!) but you will never forget them. even if you don't play gta: san andreas for a year, when you'll get back to it, it will only be natural to you the way commands are on the joypad. this doesn't happen on DA. every time you won't play it for some time and then you be back on it, you'll feel like it was your first time on it, for the gameplay.
i know what i've said 'till now may describe a bad game, but... after all it's a pretty good game, not a masterpiece, but will give you something like a 10-15 hours of fun if you are not into rpgs and d&d stuff, and probably up to 50 hours to the most appassionate ones.
have fun!