The first Baldur's Gate game to be put on a console - it's just plain fun!
The best part of Dark Alliance are the excellent graphics. Everything in this game is well textured, detailed and looks beautiful. The edges of all the characters, monsters, and the world are seamless and have none to microscopic jaggies. There are some very nice shadow effects, lighting effects with the fire and water effects that are revolutionary. Definitely the water effects are nice. The first time you walk through water it will bring a smile across your face and you will want to run around in circles in the water for a few minutes.
The game has some great voice acting and the spells or skills you use sound like they should. All the monsters have their sounds that they make and their sounds when they die. The downside to these great sounding sounds is that it gets repetitive if you’re in an area with one type of monster and you’re using one skill or spell. There are also background sounds like dripping water if you’re in a sewer, chips and peeps if you’re in a swamp or the blowing of cold freezing wind if you’re in the arctic. The music suits the game well. You will hear the music change to something more suspenseful when something is about to happen. It will change to something epic and happy when you complete quests or to something soothing when you’re walking around a town shopping.
There is a lot of replayability. You first time through it will take you about ten hours if you level a little and do the optional quests. Once you beat the game you can use that same character a second time through to level him more. If you have two, or a friend has a character you can play through the game co-operatively to beat it on some harder difficulty levels.
I would definitely recommend buying this game if you like hack and slashing adventures, if you’re into D&D, or if you want a fun game that has some good eye candy. Like all games, if you are unsure that you want it then a rental would be a safe bet so you don’t waste you money on it. I wish this game had more weapons, more armor, more characters, character classes or a character building mode where you can customize your own character. Online play would also be great but it isn’t necessary. These would be great additions for a sequel.