Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance was a short and repetitive RPG.
----------Battle System----------
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance is a generic hack and slasher / Dungeon Crawler that does little to advance the genre at all. Basically you pick between an archer, magic caster or fighter and then go on a simple repetitive quest, that requires you to fight through a ton of enemies through an almost randomly generated dungeon that feels like a maze, but always ends up feeling linear once you get the map unsolved. When you level up you get points to distribute between skills, and sometimes (rarely) get points to distribute to your status effects (like power, magic, etc). You have a weight limit with your items, so you'll be constantly warping back to a save area selling off junk. I played the game with the Archer and never learned a bit of magic, so I was always wasting space with magic bottles I kept picking up.
Other than that, there's not much to talk about this battle system, because that's basically it.
----------Characters / Story----------
You start the game by picking between a Human Archer, Dwarf Fighter or Elf Magic Caster. Each game starts and I'll assume ends the same way. All the playable character dialog you pick through is simple questions and nothing said by them give off any personality. The story is weak and boring.
The graphics are very good for this type of game, but overall pretty weak considering how small of a game it was and so few level designs. The character and enemy models look great, and I loved the water and lighting effects. Gamespot noted several times in their Gamecube review that this game suffers from an extreme framerate problem, however I didn't notice this at all. You can't zoom with the camera, so that was disappointing.
The voice actors are good, however the production of them are terrible. The music is louder than the voices most of the and I always have to turn the TV up when there's a speaking part, and I still have a tough time understanding everything. The music is ambient and quiet, it fits the game as a whole. Other than the offset of the voices there's nothing to bad about the sound.
----------World Map----------
The world map is small and only seen between chapters when you warp to new lands. The game as a whole is just 2 towns and 1 other save spot. There's only a few people in the entire game you're able to talk to, and only one save house you're allowed to enter. The entire game is one big sewer level, mountain level and swamp level with a castle thrown in at the end. The only other map you can view in the game that's useful is the dungeon map that tracks your every move and shows which directions you need to go. If this map didn't exist then I would get lost alot. You can warp back to your previous safe spot with a Recall bottle, other than that you can't really travel back once your get past a chapter.
----------Time to Complete Game----------
After you beat the game you unlock Gauntlet Mode, which is just a 'survive the dungeon without saves' mini quest. If you beat that then you unlock a new Extreme difficulty, then finally if you beat that you unlock a new character. That's the only replay value this game offers other than multiplayer mode, or to play as a different character but neither sounds interesting to me.