What is the secret ingredient that gives BG2 that undeniable 'X Factor'? Why, turnips of course...
Boy, was i born into the right era of computer games !
UFO : Enemy Unknown
Ultima 7 :The Black Gate
Baldur's Gate
Planescape Torment
...and the incredible BG2, which managed to surpass it's wonderful predecessor.
Rarely does a game manage to immerse you in it's characters and storyline, it's sub-plots and it's twists, as much as BG2.
From faultless and believable voice acting, to a stirring score, unique and challenging environments - BG2 will leave you with an undeniable attachment to the unmistakeable imprint of a Bioware adventure.
I could follow the trend of previous reviews and embark on a raving breakdown of why this is such a complete game, but it's pretty much all been said already.
Just buy BG and BG2, and prepare to say goodbye to your family and friends