Lot of slashing, but what makes that game strong is how it manages to bring cities and NPCs to life.

User Rating: 8 | Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn PC
Which game makes you start in a jail, half wounded by torture? Baldur's Gate 2 does it. How interesting is that?

Baldur's Gate is full of those little details that make the storyline, NPCs and cities come to life. When you get inside a town, villagers will come to interact with you. It's quite different from the usual NPCs standing forever to the same spot, waiting for you to talk to them.

Now, the party. I think it is the greatest thing of the game. Your allies have opinions! They interact between each others. They have a past. So, when you get back to their city, they might have a personal quest to do. You may help them. Or you may refuse and they can decide to quit your party for their higher goals. You can mix evil with good characters and watch the sparks. Whatever you do, you'll end up caring for them, or hating them. But you won't be indifferent.

Finally, rain starting to fall at random moments definitely gives a mood to the game.

Now, the flaws. Having a so detailed world can sometimes be overwhelming. There are so many side quests that you get lost despite of the journal that is kept for you in the game.

Also, there are a lot of monsters to kill. I was playing with druids, sorcerers and priests mostly and it just took forever, it was annoying. The battles should defnitely be more focused and less "clear-the-map" style.

The graphics are okay, dated, but okay.

As for the music, it is sometimes overdone, but it is still interesting. So, yes, Baldur's Gate II is a great game that you should definitely try, however be prepared to long boring slashing monsters, inventory management and pointless wandering trying to figure out what to do next. But the NPCs will definitely lighten your journey as the storyline, when it isn't interrupted by a too random side-quests!